About Preksha Hospital
Founded in 2003 Preksha Hospital & Chetna IVF Research Centre a pioneer centre in northern India, in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of infertility in a supportive, patient oriented setting. Our medical professionals are among the most accomplished and respected doctors in the field, and our centre has played a central role in many significant medical breakthroughs, including the first IVF pregnancy, first egg donor pregnancy, ICSI pregnancy in whole of the state of Rajasthan other than Jaipur.
Our hospital is centrally located on main pal road and running since 16 years and serving to part of colonies near by. Our primary concern is to ensure that your health and comfort special attention and that We are given the best possible care once you enter the portals of our hospital.
To provide each patient access to world-class health care services and exemplify the highest ethical practices.
Preksha Hospital strives to provide an unparalleled blend of affordable and quality health care through:
- Nurturing reliable, highly trained and compassionate professionals
- Creating a warm environment of trust and integrity
- Building strong and healthy communities